But last night was really fun to cook. It was Beef Stroganoff which is supposed to be comfort food for the cold weather, but i'll say it's more comfort cooking for the cold weather for me.
Season 750g of beef strips really well with 1T of plain flour and salt and pepper. Mix it a lot so really covered..
Once that's done, have 2 onions (I only had red ones left) and 200-250g button mushrooms sliced finely.
Into a frypan, put about 60g (about 2 Tablespoons), melt it on low, then add the onions. Fry them slowly, stirring occasionally, and take about 10 minutes to do so. It's worth not rushing it..
Once that's done, add the mushrooms and stir for a few minutes. Add more butter if you think necessary.
Once nicely brown and almost 15 mins of frying have gone by, remove the onions and mushrooms from the heat.
You don't need to stand there, stirring, just get to it occasionally. I sat down and had a snack. A healthy one this time :)
Add the same amount of butter as before, melt, and add the beef strips.
Brown them up, then add the onions and mushrooms back to the pan.
Stir and add plenty of salt and pepper.....
Add about -12 tablespoons of tomato paste and 2/3 cup sour cream. Mix through and cook for a few minutes longer until it's all nice and hot.
It's ready! Serve immediately, with some rice or we had it with buttered toast.
This is a meal not to make ahead for a crowd of people (well you could do it for a crowd of people, but you'd have to cook the beef in batches to avoid it stewing whilst cooking). Keep it hot in the oven or over a pan of boiling water only up to 20 mins.
And here we go...
So what did I say up above about the week I had?..
Just me and the bubs -
We had vegetables and garlic mashed potato..yum!
I had a friend come over for dinner and we had a turkey roast with steamed vegetables ..it was pretty good too
We had Monday night pizza (most usually, just cheese...mmmm...)
Hot Chips and potato scallops on Tuesday (I know, not very healthy, but oh well!)
I made a 'Chicken Dish'...no idea what it was as I made it up, but lets say it was Jac's Buttery-Lemony Chicken and it tasted great.

And to finish this post, a cup of Hot Chocolate. We went out for dinner the night before last (to Tosolinis which just might be one of my favourite places, where we started with garlic and pull apart breads, a gourmet pizza for Billy and I got Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni), and me being me didn't think to photograph the dinner, but did indeed remember to camera the drink just at the end of the night - better than nothing, and it was such a good time!
Tomorrow is Sunday! Time to think about french toast for brekkie...mmm...or maybe brunch.....
What a delicious array of meals. Stroganoff is a super meal for winter, roasts are wonderful and cheese pizza - yum, myfavourite! Ann :-)
Mmmm....I could do with that drink whilst I sit here at 12.25 am...Mum♥x
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